Mailing & Payment Address:

9524 W. Camelback Road, C130-348

Phoenix, AZ 85305

Hours of Operation:

Mon-Fri:  8am to 5pm

Sat:  By appointment

Sun: Closed



Call Now: (602) 319-2082

Dept of AG OPM License #9595

Call for Free Inspection & Quote


Copyright © C&Z Pest Control LLC. All rights reserved.

Have you noticed large number of bees coming and going around your house or building? 

If you are concerned or experiencing a swarm of bees, never approach a hive, keep a safe distance, and call C&Z Pest Control. 

We offer bee control and hive removal to handle your bee issue.

You will be provided a complete estimate for bee removal.  Bee control price will be dependent on ease of access to the hive.  Frequently, to completely eradicate the hive and the damage that can be caused by the comb, it is sometimes necessary to remove portions of walls or the roof to get to the hive.  Although, we don’t do structural repair, we can provide a number of contractors that can the repair the walls or roof.  C&Z Pest Control will not remove any hive within a wall or roof without your consent and plan for repair.  

Whether the swarm is reachable in an open space versus residing in walls or other interior crevasses, C&Z Pest Control can assist you with bee control.

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